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Do You Want to Unlock the Best Education for Your Child?

Without the IEP Stress, Late-Night Research, or Advocacy Burnout!

Let's face it, you're up against a broken education system that often is working against you and your child.


Given this reality, I bet you're experiencing one or more of these problems.

  • The Late-Night Research Grind

    You're up past midnight, eyes bleary, googling research on inclusion, checking out parent groups, and trying to understand all the legal jargon.

    The later it gets, the more you feel desperate to find something, anything, that will make them listen to you at the next meeting.
  • The Emotional Rollercoaster

    You walk into the school's conference room and make quick eye contact with the staff sitting around the table. 

    Your voice quivers as you ask to speak first. When you are interrupted, you speak louder and stop listening to anyone.

    The fighting with the school is so emotionally and mentally draining.
  • The Never-Ending Advocacy Loop

    You go to IEP meeting after IEP meeting, send emails to staff and administrators that are ignored, and then you go through a period of time where you just have to take a break from all of this advocacy work.
  • You feel like you're running on a treadmill—lots of effort, and not getting anywhere. Ugh!

  • The Second-Guessing Game

    After every meeting or phone call, you replay the conversation in your head over and over again, questioning every word you say.

    You keep venting to your friends and ask each of them, "Did I do enough?" "Should I have said something differently?"

If one of those problems sounds familiar, you may inadvertently be making one or more of these mistakes...

The Late-Night Research Grind Mistakes

  1. Over-Reliance on Internet Research: You aren't confident in being able to speak up for your child without bringing another research article to the IEP meeting.
  2. Ignoring Expert GuidanceBelieving that you "should" be able to figure out this advocacy game out by yourself. You believe you just have to do more research to figure this out.
  3. More Info, Less Impact Trap: Not realizing that compiling more information doesn't equate to effective advocacy; it's how you use that information strategically that creates change.

The Emotional Rollercoaster Mistakes

  1. The Last Straw Snap:
    Without realizing it, you're stepping into IEP meetings with your worries packed away, trying to keep cool.

    And then, out of the blue, a single word hits a nerve, and suddenly, you find yourself raising your voice, leaning forward, and letting all those pent-up feelings spill over.

     2. The Lone Ranger Rumble:
    You're diving into these meetings solo, surrounded by a team of staff.

    When the talk gets tough, you're the only one without a teammate to give you a nod or a quick word of encouragement.

    You're unintentionally carrying the whole emotional load without a co-pilot to help navigate the bumpy ride.

    3. Emotional Reactions:
    You arrive at the meeting feeling confident with notes and a list of points to cover. As the discussion heats up, your responses become reactive rather than thoughtful.

    You're scrambling, reacting to each point as it comes, rather than steering the conversation with prepared, calm responses.


The Never-Ending Advocacy Loop Mistakes

  1.   The Echo Chamber Effect:
    Without awareness, in the face of unanswered emails and IEP meetings that lead nowhere, you might be echoing the same requests or using the same approach in every interaction. You're stuck on repeat without even realizing it, asking for the same things in the same way at every meeting. It's like your messages are on a loop, and the school team starts to tune you out.
  2. The Vague Game: Lack of Specificity: You often communicate your concerns in broad terms. Unfortunately, vague requests can lead to vague solutions—or worse, no action at all.
  3. The Muffled Message: When Your Concerns Get Lost in Translation: You feel like you're speaking, but no one's listening. Whether it's in an email or a face-to-face meeting, if your words aren't hitting home, your concerns will be misunderstood or disregarded.

The Second-Guessing Game Mistakes

  1. Over-Analysis: Constantly replaying meetings in your head without constructive reflection can lead to self-doubt.
  2. Skipping the Recap: Not sitting down to sort out the wins and oopsies after a meeting means you might keep tripping over the same hurdles.
  3. Comparison Trap: Measuring your advocacy against others can lead to unnecessary self-criticism and undermine your confidence.


The good news is, by recognizing and understanding these mistakes, you can take steps to avoid them.


Want some better news? YOU don't have to navigate this complex,

broken education system alone.


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The Art of AI Advocacy™


You don't have to keep facing the same struggles & mistakes.

Elevate your advocacy game with The Art of AI Advocacy™, a new program designed for parents like you.

It's not just about AI tools; you'll also get the benefit of my years of advocacy experience.

Leave The Late-Night Research Grind Behind

How AI and I Team Up for You: Think of an AI tool as your personal info-hunter, snagging all the details you need without the stress.

As for me, I've walked the advocacy walk, just like you're doing now. I'll guide you on how to leverage that gathered information into real, impactful change for your child.

Big Aha Moment: Imagine not just having the facts, but knowing how to use them. That's like having a secret weapon at every meeting.

What to Do Instead: Let the AI tool do the digging, and let me show you how to turn those facts into a winning game plan.

Get Off The IEP Emotional Rollercoaster

How AI and I Team Up for You: Consider AI your rehearsal partner, helping you fine-tune what you want to say.

I come in with the street smarts, showing you how to stay composed and make your message heard.

Big Aha Moment: The magic isn't just in the words you choose; it's in how you deliver them. Good thing you've got a seasoned pro on your side.

What to Do Instead: Lean on AI to craft your message, and count on me to coach you through delivering it like a pro.

Stop The Never-Ending Advocacy Loop

How AI and I Team Up for You: AI tools can keep you organized, like a super-smart planner. I'll help you see the big picture, so you're not just busy—you're effective.

Big Aha Moment: Being busy isn't the goal; making a difference is. And now you've got the tools and the know-how to do it.

What to Do Instead: Use an AI tool to handle the details, and let me show you how to turn those details into real change.

Stop Second-Guessing and Start Progressing

How AI and I Team Up for You: AI serves as your personal debriefer, helping you figure out what hit the mark and what missed.

I elevate that by guiding you on how to transform those takeaways into actionable steps.

Big Aha Moment: Say goodbye to hindsight regret. Now you'll be saying, "Here's my plan for the next round."

What to Do Instead: Rely on AI for your after-action review, and let me help you strategize for your next advocacy play.

Yes, This Is What I Want!

AND here's the flip side:

Only using AI without the personalized touch I offer, you might find yourself stuck in a cycle of hit-or-miss strategies.


It's the difference between a compass that guides you forward and wandering aimlessly hoping you're on the right path.

Why Pick Me as Your AI Guide and Human Advocate: 

Hi, I'm Charmaine.  Here's a bit about me.

Real Talk, Real Change:

I walk the walk, not just talk the talk because I've lived it with all the different roles I've had. I absolutely love putting to use everything I've picked up from being a mom, special ed teacher, general ed teacher, inclusion facilitator, and advocate. It makes me a better and more effective advocate for you.

You're Not Alone:

Feel like you're drowning in IEP meetings and paperwork? I've got your back with free Facebook Lives, a parent membership community, and 1:1 support. You get to choose the level of support you'd like.

Walk the Talk:

Advocacy's a twisty road, and I'll be your GPS for navigating the broken school system maze. I've been using Artificial Intelligence (AI) for two years and have developed specific ways parents like you can use it as an advocacy tool. It can be amazing to see what AI can do!

Been There, Done That:

As a mom to an amazing son with Down syndrome and a seasoned educator, I bring a wealth of knowledge in inclusive education, Universal Design for Learning, and co-teaching to the table.

One of my passions is to support IEP teams to craft IEPs that are rooted in inclusive education.

AND I can help you learn your new role, IEP Police. 

Because you and I know you can have a well-written IEP and that doesn't mean it's going to be implemented with fidelity.

No More Tangled Web:

Broken school systems are confusing, and I've got a  personal decoder ring to help. I make the complicated stuff simple.

The Bottom Line:

I don't want you to just hope you can change things for your child and others.

I'm here so I can support you and cheer you on as you make change happen! 

Now's the time for YOU to get a fresh start and the advocacy support you've always dreamed of!

Let's get this done together!

Charmaine Thaner, M.A.

The Art of AI Advocacy™ is the ONLY program of its kind that gives you:


Monthly Magic:  AI Advocacy Templates

To Get Stuff Done!


What You Get: Imagine a monthly secret tool in your parent-advocacy toolkit that I developed with you in mind. That's what you're signing up for!

Why It Rocks: Whether it's gearing up for a meeting, writing a speech that'll wow 'em, or decoding IEPs, we've got an AI Advocacy template for that.

Heads Up: Without these, you might find yourself asking your AI the same old questions and missing out on new ways to use it.

Monthly Workshop: Real Talk, Real Practice!


What You Get: Every month, we roll up our sleeves and dive into a live hands-on workshop. You'll get to try out the latest AI Advocacy Template live with me.

Why It Rocks: You'll leave each workshop with a game plan that's ready to go, making you a stronger advocate for your kiddo.

Heads Up: Without this hands-on help, you might not get the full juice out of your AI tools, leaving you feeling stuck.

So, if you’re ready to finally do something differently, so you'll have different results...


Here's how I'll help you get there:

First, let's get real for a minute.  

Even with the best AI Advocacy tools at your fingertips, you're still facing some tough challenges that keep you up at night.

These aren't just tech hurdles; they strike at the heart of your advocacy mission.

To truly level up your advocacy game, you need more than just AI.

That's exactly why the Connecting for Change™ membership is included as a FREE BONUS.

It's designed to address these deeper challenges, like those below, and set you on the path to real, meaningful change.


🛠️ The Education System is Broken

Let's face it, the education system has been broken for a long time.


So what?

Well, this separation creates an "us vs. them" mentality that marginalizes and segregates students and  staff.

Why does that matter?

Because every child,  deserves to be seen as capable and included. AND we need staff collaborating in order for students to be "our students".

🔄 What We Accept Continues

Ever heard the saying, "If you stand for nothing, you'll fall for anything?" That's what happens when parents just go with the flow and accept the status quo.

So what?

This acceptance allows outdated and harmful practices to continue.

Why does that matter?

Because if we don't challenge the system, we're implicitly saying it's okay. 

We need parents and educators coming together to say, "Enough is enough, let's make a change."


🚫 Ableism is the Root Problem

Ableism is systemic injustice at its core. Ableism suggests that some abilities are “normal” or “better,” and ranks people’s worth based on their abilities.

So what?

This underlying bias determines many of the decisions made in the broken education system. Ableism leads to marginalization and segregation for disabled students.

Why does that matter?

Because ableism creates inequities and creates lower expectations for students with disabilities! It results in devaluing disabled and Neurodivergent people in favour of abled people. It results in disability discrimination and causes oppression of the marginalized.

📣 Communication is Key

You've sent emails, shared articles, and even tried to engage in meaningful conversations, but it's like talking to a brick wall.

So what?

This lack of engagement from school staff means your efforts aren't working.

Why does that matter?

Because effective communication is crucial for advocacy.


🤝 Strength in Numbers

The DIY approach to advocacy is as outdated as chalkboards in the classroom.

So what?

Going it alone means you're missing out on the strength that comes from collective action.

Why does that matter?

Because systemic change requires a chorus of voices, not just a solo act.


Remember you get Connecting for Change™ membership where we tackle issues like those above as a FREE BONUS—

to give you the tools, community, and strategies you need to be a game-changing advocate. 🌟


Here’s what you’re getting when you join: 


The Art of AI Advocacy™


Monthly Live Hands-On Workshops       $150 Value

Monthly AI Advocacy Template                 $50 Value

AI updates all month long -                      $600 Value

Total Value: $800.00 per month


Connecting for Change™


2 Monthly Live Trainings                      $300 Value

2 Monthly Live Meet-Ups                     $300 Value

Daily Support in Private FB Group     $600 Value

Total Value: $1,200 per month


When you add it all up, that’s a value of $2,000 per month. Wow!


AND when you join, you’ll get access to everything for just:

 $49 each month

I want to join!

What About... 


Here’s what you’re getting when you join: 


The Art of AI Advocacy™


Monthly Live Hands-On Workshops                  $150 Value

Monthly AI Advocacy Template                            $50 Value

AI updates all month long -                                 $600 Value


Total Value: $800.00 per month


Connecting for Change™


2 Monthly Live Trainings                      $300 Value

2 Monthly Live Meet-Ups                     $300 Value

Daily Support in Private FB Group     $600 Value


Total Value: $1,200 per month


When you add it all up, that’s a value of $2,000 per month!!!


AND when you join, you’ll get access to everything for just:

$49 each month

I want this!