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We're All In This Together!

Be More Confident

You'll find yourself saying, "I wish I knew all this years ago!"

We have 3 live trainings each month so you can be more knowledgeable about getting the inclusive education your child deserves.

Walk into your next meeting as a more confident advocate for your child!

CLICK BELOW for details.

Get Support From Other Advocates & Parents

Take a break from feeling alone and come to a private place to share struggles, celebrate wins, ask your questions and get specific answers!

You'll find support and encouragement from other parents who are also on this advocacy journey.

I'm there and we have a wonderful community of other parents that can give ideas and answers. 

CLICK BELOW for details.

Have Real Live Conversations

There are 7 times each month when we can have real-time (not just through posting questions/comments) discussions.

This is a time we can chat, you can share updates about how things are going at school, and ask any questions you have.

We have live weekly Q & A sessions. PLUS there are live Q & A sessions during and after the 3 trainings each month.

CLICK BELOW for details.


50% Complete

Two Step

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